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Установить как стандартный Проводник (Windows)

This guide involves modifying the Windows registry, make sure to create a backup beforehand to recover if you got any problem with Xplorer. Please keep in mind that this method may not work for everyone.

Нажмите сюда, чтобы перейти в официальную документацию Microsoft и узнать о том, как сделать резервную копию и восстановить реестр

Automatic way

To install

Download /packages/registry-scripts/setXplorerAsDefault.reg script from GitHub and double click to run it.

To uninstall

Download /packages/registry-scripts/unsetXplorerAsDefault.reg script from GitHub and double click to run it.

Manual way

  1. Нажмите Win + R и наберите regedit.exe
  2. Click Yes on the question Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your devices
  3. Сделайте резервную копию реестра (см. предупреждение выше).
  4. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\shell'
  5. Update the Default value to Xplorer. This will make Xplorer the default file explorer. (To change it back, just update the value to open)

Manual way to make Xplorer as default File Explorer (Windows)